Discover with us one of the most astonishing international Latex Fashion photographers: Killer Heels Photography.

Killer Heels Photography is our main photographer in this second issue of LTX Magazine.

We are absolutely proud that he has accepted to publish his wonderful masterpieces in our print magazine, but he has also released an extraordinary interview of which we will report some passages on our blog, as well as show you other incredible images.

Andrew Macdonald, working behind the guise of Killer Heels Photography, is an international Latex Fashion photographer skilled in taking care of details, playing with lights that perfectly fall on latex clothing and accessories. Each of his images catapults us directly into this bright and brilliant universe created by the latex masks and dresses of the English designer Dayne Henderson, one of our favorite Latex Fashion Designers.

How and when did you start taking pictures?
Starting at the beginning. Which for me, I must have been around 7 or 8 years old. My Grandparents had some ‘old’ cameras that we used to play about with as kids. It would be fair to say I was more fascinated by the build and mechanisms that operated it, it was a medium format twin lens reflex, than actually taking pictures with the thing. It had a waist level viewfinder so the image was back-to-front and up-side-down. Which can really mess with an 8 year olds head! But I got my very own first camera when I would have been 10 or 11, a 35mm Olympus trip. My first SLR would have been a Zenith EM when I was about 15 and by then I was very familiar with my way around a darkroom. In terms of subject matter though, it was essentially friends & family, and documenting places I had visited rather than anything with a goal or structure. People these days would possibly call it street or reportage in style. But back then, it was more like a record of people, places and events that we all found ourselves in. With what I shoot now, latex and fetish fashion, coming up on 8 years.

What made you decide to photograph latex dresses, masks and accessories?
The whole interest in the latex side of things started back in the mid-1980’s. I discovered two photographers; Bob Carlos Clarke and Derek Ridgers. Both quite different in their style and approach to photography, but both really captured my imagination.

Bob had a book out called The Dark Summer, coffee table format, and it was page after page of striking black & white and toned images of women looking incredible encased in this wonder material called latex. Form fitting, form enhancing. The high gloss finish made everything look like it had been transported from the future. Mr. Ridgers approach was rather different. He was shooting on the fly in stairwells of London’s club scene, with willing proactively dressed women happy to thrust various parts of their anatomy at his welcoming lens.

I felt like I was somewhere between the two. Bob’s beautiful composed images, and Derek pushing buttons. Now if only I could combine the two…. Only took me about 20 years to actually get to a point where I had the balls to get someone to pose for me like that!

What do you think about latex fashion or, more commonly called fetish fashion / fetish photography?
My approach is very pragmatic now. It is work, so that’s how I generally view it. There are some outstanding practitioners in this genre, in front of and behind the camera, but it is still somewhat a niche market. And I like that. I like the exclusive nature of it. Dare to be different. I know my line of shooting is still very much a curiosity amongst friends. But they all want to know ‘what you’re up to!’ In terms of what do I think about fetish photography? Well I certainly enjoy it. You do get to meet some fascinating personalities. And generally, they’re all a very friendly bunch. One big happy rubber family! I would say, you’re always looking to provoke a reaction. That is my goal with this style of shoot.

You can read the entire interview on the second issue of LTX Magazine:

Killer Heels Photography website and socials

Wonderful masterpieces!!!! <3 <3 <3