Our first interview for LTX Magazine dedicated to one of the most sought-after and important German models and dominatrix of the moment.
Photo by Andy Nickenig

Dear readers of LTX, here is a welcome surprise for all of you. we have the honor and the pleasure of interviewing one of the most sought-after and important german models and dominatrix of the moment. Let's start immediately with the interview.
Photo by Gini Misini

Thank you for allowing us this privilege Ms. Calea Toxic, our readers will be delighted. Hello and thank you for your interest. I am looking forward to the interview!
We have read that you were an former policewoman, a detective. Is it true? Could you tell us something about it?
Yes, that´s true. I worked 11 years for the police in Germany in several positions and was a civil servant for live. At last I was a police superintendent and was about to jump into the highest police service. I wanted to do something for the police and I succeeded.

What made you decide to become a Mistress and leave your job?
Fetish and BDSM has been my passion for a long time. Since I have been 21 years old, I lived it out privately with an increasing tendency. Due to a family stroke of fate, I realized how quickly a life can be over. I then went into myself and wondered whether I was happy with my previous life. I listened exclusively to my inner voice and realized that the most important thing in life is to make your dreams come true and you will only be happy and good at something you really do with passion. With the police I felt more and more constricted, I was somehow nearly or completely at the end of a road. So overnight, I left my secure life as a police officer behind me and concentrated only on things that I enjoy.
Before making your final decision, how could you combine these two very challenging jobs?
Because of my job as police officer, I secretly lived my passion. Over time, I realized that it was becoming increasingly difficult to reconcile the two ways of life. The self-determined, free life of the Dominatrix fascinated me. Most of all that she was allowed to live out her own fetish and own preference in horny surroundings after desire and mood, day after day. Police and Dominatrix did not work.

Is it true that in Germany, or in Northern Europe in general, the "fetish" world or anyway everything which is linked to Latex Fashion is experienced more freely than in other countries, for example if compared to Italy?
Unfortunately, I can tell little about the Italian scene, since I hardly know it so far. But I hear again and again - also from my foreign guests - that there is a very lively fetish scene in Germany. There is hardly a bigger city without a fetish party and the lifestyle is run by many people. I made the same experience also in the Netherlands and UK. On the other hand, I have experienced fetish parties for example in Spain, where hardly anyone was dressed in latex. So I realized that it is actually more established in the northern countries.
How do you consider the Latex / Fetish Fashion world nowadays?
For years the fetish scene has been getting more and more out of the mess corner. Many years ago there was fetish and latex almost only in the sex shop. Today it is inspiration for many famous fashion desigers. Fetish has become a kind of lifestyle. Hardly a H&M or Zara in which there are not "soft" elements of fetish. Many great designers are inspired by Fetish. And meanwhile you can spend as much money for fetish clothes if you like as for haute couture fashion. Fetish is rapidly developing into a new fashion form.

Do you think that BDSM can be defined as an "art form" or it's an experience that particularly involves the emotional and psychological state of a person?
I think both are true. Performing BDSM is an art but the inclination and desire are probably deep in a person. BDSM and fetish have a lot of facets and the backgrounds, how someone comes to it, can also be very different. The characteristics are also very different. Therefore is´s difficult to give an general answer. Let's take “latex” as an example, there are just as many people who enjoy the sight of a lady in sexy latex, but otherwise have little to do with fetish. Conversely, there are also people who are more interested in latex than in the human. Who has a strong latex fetish, for him the human content is probably less important than the outer latex cover. Last but not least there is also the type who wants to hatch in a completely different cover, e.g. to be turned into a human rubberdoll. That is in my eyes both art and a personality trait.
What advice do you feel about giving to a woman who would like to embark on your own career?
She should just be herself. I'm convinced that you're only good at something you do all over your heart. That applies to a dominatrix as much as to any other business. Guests quickly notice whether you're doing it out of real passion or just earning a living. Follow your heart, do your thing well and let other people talk about it, the rest comes by itself ;)

What are your artistic projects for the future?
I love variety and get more new impressions. In the future, I will work more internationally. In Germany I have already started to work regularly in different cities. I regularly visit Munich in addition to Cologne and Düsseldorf, this year I am also active in Leipzig and Berlin. In summer I extend my travels to neighbouring countries and will work in Switzerland and the Netherlands. Shootings are also planned in Scotland and France. I plan to expand both my live sessions and my online business. It is important to me to get BDSM out of the mess corner that makes people afraid to contact me. I would like to see BDSM also means art or wellness. That´s one of the messages I publish in different media forma. Weekly, I publish updated movies and shootings. That was the wish of many guests and fans and it is a nice platform to get all new movies and pictures in one central place. I am starting to produce first own DVD´s. The contents of the films are based on my session, so that potential guests can also get an impression in advance. Currently I work together with a BDSM producer in Germany. In the future I will also produce the films myself.
Thank you so much for this wonderful interview and for your precious answers.
Thank you for the pleasant interview and good luck with your magazine!

So divine!
she's so amazing!
So so divine!